Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Red Giants

Having had my fill of retirement community, I ventured on into California where my next stop was just north of Klamath at the Trees of Mystery attraction, home to some of the most incredible coastal Redwood trees.  If ever you feel a desire to feel closer to the prehistoric era, I have a hard time thinking of a better thing to do than to stand under these majestic beasts.  They are nothing short of incredible.  I also took the couple minute gondola ride that takes you up through many of the trees to a point with a decent vantage point out towards the ocean.  I couldn't help but think of how wicked a place it would be to build an epic tree house.  Sigh... if only...  Anyways, enjoy the pics!

 Paul Bunyan is nearly 50 ft. tall...

 The Family Tree - 12 living trees all growing from one trunk

Well they sure know how to take the fun out of things.
I especially like how the "do not" looks like a bit of an
afterthought though...

The place was built for panorama mode...

 The root structure on this fallen beast was still almost
entirely intact.

 Cathedral Tree (2 above and 1 below)

 Brotherhood Tree - 297 feet tall, 19 feet in diamter
One of the biggest coastal Redwoods (above and below)

 Candleabra Tree - Roots of the horizontal tree feed the vertical trees who,
in turn, feed the horizontal tree through photosynthesis.

They also had tons of carvings.  A couple good ones...

Having fun with Macro mode on my camera.  Not bad for a point and shoot lens...

Stay shiny.

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