Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Carlsbad Caverns

So before I set out on this trip, if you asked me whether I had any specific places that I really wanted to see, it is very likely that I uttered the words "Carlsbad Caverns" at some point during my response.  Well, on November 23, 2010, I got to.  For six dollars.  Now, I know what you're thinking... Six bucks!?!?  Yes.  Which is why I went and bought a keychain for eight bucks at the gift shop.  I like a good deal as much as the next person (maybe more), but these Caverns are so epic, they'd be worth a $60 admission...  So basically, I'm still well within the bounds of what I would call an "awesome deal" and I've got a nifty keychain.  And the satisfaction of having supported one of the sickest natural attractions in the world.  Ahhhh, all in a day's work...  Least that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.  It was a cool keychain.

Anyways, as far as the caverns were concerned, you basically walk down a fairly steep path for about a mile or so until you get well within the depths of the cave.  If ever there was something here on earth that was capable of making you feel like you were on another planet, this would be it.  There are even some caves I didn't get to see because you only get to go to them if you take a guided tour.  I just did the self guided tour and walked around the Big Room, as they called it, and saw some of the main things in there.  The caves were much more massive than I was expecting, with miles of trail winding throughout them.  And a normal household voice carries for about a quarter mile down in them...  Pretty awesome.  It was tough to get any decent pics down in there with the low light conditions, but a few turned out decently.

Looking up through the same opening pictured above.
Easily a quarter mile down in and only just the tip of the iceberg.

Easily 25 feet tall and built completely from dripping water.

Looking straight up.

Deeper into the caverns, stairs used by tourists back in the 1920's.

That's a lot of dripping...

Huge.  At least 30+ feet tall and probably 15 feet in diamater
at its base... Again, lots of dripping water.  Haha.

Looking up at the ceiling at a random time.

The landscape at the caverns... Above ground that is...

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