Saturday, November 13, 2010


And so it was on Sunday, Halloween of 2010 that we had decided to trip over to Alcatraz and feel some of the decorated history that the famous island and prison offered.  As it had been the main theme of my trip so far, that day was no exception with perfect weather and all the sunshine we could have asked for.  After a short 10 or 15 minute ferry ride, we found ourselves listening to one of the most entertaining older gals for our orientation speech that I think I've ever heard.  To say that she loved her job would be an understatement fit for a president.  A few minutes later, we headed around the south side of the island and on up to the prison where we took the full audio tour, which I highly recommend.  It was quite entertaining and tells you a lot about the prison and its history.  Overall, a fascinating place and great way to spend an afternoon.

Enjoy the pics (that were taken with my cell phone since I forgot my camera that day... Can you even tell?!  Gotta love technology...).  And as always, keep it shiny.

Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz Island (on the far right) from the ferry.

 Marks left from grenades dropped through the roof
during a famous escape attempt that turned violent.

 Tower on the prison patio

 View of San Francisco from the Alcatraz prison patio

 Looking out towards the Golden Gate Bridge from the recreation yard area...

...And back up towards the prison from the yard

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